The Reading Room

Welcome to the Reading Room. Pull up a chair and soak in the cool vibes as you browse through our on-line library, chock full of interesting facts and fun.

Thoughts & Reviews

Microsoft Office 97
Quicken Deluxe 6
Visual Basic Professional 4.0
Technologies: A PC Guide
Using the New Microsoft Office 7.0
Exploring the Epson PhotoPC
The Truth About Winstone
Some Sense About Sound
Navigating the Memory Maze
Desktop Publishing Programs
Printing Photos with FotoFUN
ABC Graphics Suite
Universal Serial Bus (USB)

Wild Web Stuff

Letter of the Week
What is ActiveX?
Is Java in Your Future?
Web Phones
Web Commerce
Get Real, Get Virtual
VDOLive Brings Live Video to the Web
Home Page Design: Another Guide?
The Internet: What Everyone Should Know
How Big is a Pixel?
The Scoop on RealAudio
Gateway 2000 presents Shockwave
Dial-Up Networking in Windows 95

Computer How To's

Your Recording Studio
How to Order a Gateway PC Online
Improving Your Computer's Performance
How To Upgrade Your Sound Card
Adding a Second Hard Drive
Networking for the Rest of Us
Downloading Files and Using Pkunzip
How To Upgrade Your Video Card
Adding and Replacing RAM
Windows 95 and your Gateway

The Gateway Crowd

The Pixel Carver
The Adventures of MPEG
A Gateway Family Album
Humor Day
Round Cow Stories

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